Savannah made simple
Savannah made simple


There are over 400 restaurants and bars in Savannah. How in the heck do you pick where to go?

We've done the hard work. We went to all of those restaurants for you. We took away the 360 that didn't make the cut. Leaving behind the ones that are truly awesome. Heck, we didn't do the work to make them awesome. THEY did. But, we did put them together to make it simple. Simple for you to have the experience in Savannah that you deserve.

Doesn't that seem nice?

Only the Best of the Best remain. Now you can scroll through this list of the top 10 percent that Savannah has to offer. Choose the type of food and feel that is be for you and your family.

And choices? Common Thread could not be more different that Black Rabbit. Which is better? Doesn't matter. They are both awesome. From Fleeting to Over Yonder. Wyld to Pizzeria Vittoria. You couldn't get more diversity. You will not get the same tired recommendations here.

Savannah Made Simple is written from a locals perspective. This is where we eat and drink. And we are truly blessed to have these glorious options to share with you.

Savannah Made Simple

$ - Great Food Great Price
$$ - Bang For Your Buck
$$$ - Fine Dining
Restaurant Navigator
Places To Stay In Savannah
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Church in Savannah

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